Sky Path is a work that Takatoku created in an attempt to recreate the phenomenon of a path of light on the sea illuminated by moonlight, which he deeply admired. This work materializes as a physical space that allows viewers to experience that captivating moment of light. By using transparent triangular acrylic rods, the piece utilizes the delicate properties of light such as reflection and refraction to create this phenomenon. Not only does it create a path of light, but it also transforms the surrounding environment. The structure, reminiscent of bamboo blinds, sways in the wind, creating intricate light patterns, and as it moves, it generates a dynamic space that is constantly changing. The structure that forms this space is inspired by the folding screens, with each panel acting as a large painting on a screen. The angle of the light changes according to the viewer's movements as well. This piece invites viewers to walk through a space that is as light as air yet grounded, allowing viewers to experience the beauty and mystery of moonlight through the dynamic interaction of light and movement.